Tamil Android New
June 27, 2020
face and your emotions to awesome 3D EMOJI models
What is EMOJI face recorder ?
Record your face and your emotions to awesome 3D models - Zebra, Deer, Santa Claus, Octopus, Pig, Unicorn, Panda, Horse, White Bear, Crocodile, Beaver, Leopard, Tiger, Bunny, Bat, Squirrel, Mole, Owl, Opossum, Porcupine, Raccoon, Shark, L
Skunk, Turtle, Wolf and Baby. Also new 3D emoticons are available: Fun, Sleep, Cry, Cool, Angry, Love, Surprised, Angel.
Share the fun:
EMOJI video include your voice, and you can share your videos within social apps. Share your video emojis with friends, be amused, make your day more colorful.